I attended the Connect Fashion Festival this past weekend with Arthur Trujillo. Basically, it was like a swamp meat with up and coming designers, showrooms, and just people who wanted to sell stuff! Also, a lot of really good bands were jammin' away. It was a great time to see these musicians going all out in their tight jeans and boots! Great day of odd weather from light rain to sunny and gloomy. But, it's never a bad day to socialize, and get out to enjoy a weekend! There's a ton of photos so this blog is basically going to be a run of photos of fashionistas and nistos for you to feast on. Yes, LA is full of unique individuals and fashion that is like none other. I loved this event because i saw so many fun and weird fashion styles, it's what makes everyone, so interesting.
When i attend these fashion events, i know there's going to be tons of fashionable people there. I have to wear something that i feel represent my fashion. I chose one of the sweaters i made for my MODDAME Collection this past Fall. Yes, i need to work out on my belly! LOL, but other than that, i loved the outfit.
Arthur is in one of his shirts he trimmed up and in classic black.
This is Rik Villa's Collection. I love his concept of scarfs in skirts, tanks, ties, etc. All available for purchase! You can find his items to purchase at: http://www.etsy.com/shop/mrrikvilla?ref=seller_info
This is the designer of Rojas http://www.rojasonline.com/ ROJAS designs have been sought after by the most influential of celebrities and stylists for M.IA, Santigold,TheBlacked Eyed Peas,Gwen Stefani,Usher, Christina Aquilera,Snopp Dogg, Justin Timberlake,Rye Rye,Sam Sparro and Katy Perry to name a few for the purpose of Music Videos,Award Shows,Tours,Movies and Photoshoots. There's so much more. 

And starving we were! In LA, they've recreated this Vietnamese sandwich to taste a lot more gourmet, compared to our Lee's Sandwich shop! Same sandwich, just differently flavored but still yummy! Surprising, food trucks are super pricey here but this sandwich was only $6 for a 12"!
This is the owner or one of the owners of The Park Showroom here in Los Angeles. They carried alot of urban street wear, unique styles, and their booth of swamped with people.
Lets start off with the ladies
I would have to say, the guys rocked this place. So many fashionistos that i couldn't photograph them all. I just love men's fashion like no other. It is a passion of mines to design for them someday.
And when i got home, i needed to shoot the outfit for www.lookbook.nu/moddame
Whew, there we go! Until the next blog..leave your comments and don't forget to shop the site: http://www.moddame.com/
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